Injerto de fibrocart1lago meniscal en los defectos osteocondrales : estudio experimental

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Injerto de fibrocart1lago meniscal en los defectos osteocondrales : estudio experimental

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Gomar Sancho, Francisco; Gastaldi Orquin, E.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1986

The authors report an experimental work with 18 rabbits. An osteochondral deffect is tailored in the weight-bearing area of the medial condile of the knee, this osteochondral deffect is refilled with a matching piece taken from the lateral meniscus. An optical histological examination and triptium-timidine up-take are performed three days after refilling time in one, two, three, four, six, eight, ten and twelve weeks. This study showed the meniscus graft maintaining its whole histological structure and taking the triptium-timidine along all the experiment length, with a perfect fitting and union with the bone tissue.
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