El efecto de la experiencia de servicio emocional en las intenciones futuras del usuario de centros deportivos

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El efecto de la experiencia de servicio emocional en las intenciones futuras del usuario de centros deportivos

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Molina García, Nuria; Mundina Gómez, José Javier; García Pascual, Fernando; Alejos, Estefanía
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

This paper analyses the influence of the emotional aspects in the future intentions of users of sport centers. The sample was made up of 512 customers of three private sports instalations and we used adapted scales of perceived value, general satisfaction, future intentions and emotions. Were studied analysis of internal consistency reliability of the scales, mean, estandar deviation, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the used scales were reliable and accurate and the customers analized gave high scores above satisfaction and emotional experience of the service. The study confirms that the emotional value was the dimension with more influence in the prediction of the future intentions.
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