Accuracy of cotinine serum test to detect the smoking habit and its association with periodontal disease in a multicenter study

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Accuracy of cotinine serum test to detect the smoking habit and its association with periodontal disease in a multicenter study

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Duque, Andrés es Martínez, Paula Juliana es Giraldo, Astrid es Gualtero Escobar, Diego Fernando es Ardila Medina, Carlos Martín es Contreras Rengifo, Adolfo es Duarte, Silvia es Lafaurie Villamil, Gloria Inés es 2018-05-22T10:22:58Z 2018-05-22T10:22:58Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Duque, Andrés ; Martínez, Paula Juliana ; Giraldo, Astrid ; Gualtero Escobar, Diego Fernando ; Ardila Medina, Carlos Martín ; Contreras Rengifo, Adolfo ; Duarte, Silvia ; Lafaurie Villamil, Gloria Inés. Accuracy of cotinine serum test to detect the smoking habit and its association with periodontal disease in a multicenter study. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 22 4 2017: 1- es
dc.description.abstract The validity of the surveys on self-reported smoking status is often questioned because smokers underestimate cigarette use and deny the habit. It has been suggested that self-report should be accompanied by cotinine test. This report evaluates the usefulness of serum cotinine test to assess the association between smoking and periodontal status in a study with a large sample population to be used in studies with other serum markers in epidemiologic and periodontal medicine researches. 578 patients who were part of a multicenter study on blood biomarkers were evaluated about smoking and its relation to periodontal disease. Severity of periodontal disease was determinate using clinical attachment loss (CAL). Smoking was assessed by a questionnaire and a blood sample drawn for serum cotinine determination. The optimal cut-off point for serum cotinine was 10 ng/ml. Serum cotinine showed greater association with severity of CAL than self-report for mild-moderate CAL [OR 2.03 (CI95% 1.16-3.53) vs. OR 1.08 (CI95% 0.62-1.87) ] advanced periodontitis [OR 2.36 (CI95% 1.30- 4.31) vs. OR 2.06 (CI95% 0.97-4.38) ] and extension of CAL > 3 mm [ OR 1.78 (CI95% 1.16-1.71) vs. 1.37 (CI95% 0.89-2.11)]. When the two tests were evaluated together were not shown to be better than serum cotinine test. Self-reported smoking and serum cotinine test ? 10ng/ml are accurate, complementary and more reliable methods to assess the patient?s smoking status and could be used in studies evaluating serum samples in large population and multicenter studies. Clinical Relevance: The serum cotinine level is more reliable to make associations with the patient?s periodontal status than self-report questionnaire and could be used in multicenter and periodontal medicine studies. es
dc.title Accuracy of cotinine serum test to detect the smoking habit and its association with periodontal disease in a multicenter study es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.21292 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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