La fisiognomía en la cartilla del pintor valenciano Vicente Salvador Gómez

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La fisiognomía en la cartilla del pintor valenciano Vicente Salvador Gómez

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Albero Muñoz, María del Mar es 2018-05-23T08:23:47Z 2018-05-23T08:23:47Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Albero Muñoz, María del Mar. La fisiognomía en la cartilla del pintor valenciano Vicente Salvador Gómez. En: Ars longa: cuadernos de arte, 26 2017: 89-110 es
dc.description.abstract During the 17th century some artists wrote the first artistic treaties in Spain, and decided to compose their own drawing books too. It is the case of the Valencian artist Vicente Salvador Gómez who in 1674 began one of the first examples that is preserved, the Cartilla y fundamentales reglas de la pintura. Director of the Academy of Painting of the convent of Santo Domingo, contemporary of Ribera and Alonso Cano, owned one of the most valuable and know artist?s library, with an enviable collection of four hundred volumes. This paper studies the pages that are conserved of the drawing books and shows how the artist knew the artistic theories that circulated by Europe, among them physiognomics. This subject, between the mantic and the science was object of study of numerous artists and had been included in the treaties of Leonardo or Dürer, but also in Spain by Carducho. The remains of the drawing book shows the knowledge of the painter on the clasic physiognomic theories, but their drawings also suppose the first and only examples of illustration of these theories in Spain in XVII century, uniting the image and the word in an exercise of marked didactic vocation. es
dc.title La fisiognomía en la cartilla del pintor valenciano Vicente Salvador Gómez es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::HISTORIA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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