The importance of the posterior joint space for functional mandibular movements : a laboratory cross-sectional study

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The importance of the posterior joint space for functional mandibular movements : a laboratory cross-sectional study

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Cordeiro, Cláudia-da Costa es Pozza, Daniel Humberto es Tamaki, Tadachi es Gimaraes, Antônio Sérgio es 2018-05-23T08:44:51Z 2018-05-23T08:44:51Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Cordeiro, Cláudia-da Costa ; Pozza, Daniel Humberto ; Tamaki, Tadachi ; Gimaraes, Antônio Sérgio. The importance of the posterior joint space for functional mandibular movements : a laboratory cross-sectional study. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 10 1 2018: 61-65 es
dc.description.abstract The search for the ideal, healthy and reproducible position of the condyles is of utmost importance for dental diagnosis and treatment. Thus, the objective of this laboratory cross-sectional study was to verify the relationship between the posterior joint space and the mandibular lateral movements. Dental casts from 15 women and 15 men with normal mastication, 28 natural teeth and no history of temporomandibular disorders or pain, were fabricated and mounted on a fully adjustable articulator. From the maximum intercuspal position, condylar displacement was evaluated and measured on the working and nonworking sides during mandibular lateral movement, both to the right and left sides. The correlation between the measures of interest was assessed with the Pearson correlation coefficient (?=.05). Condylar displacement on the working side and nonworking side condyle was 0.88±0.71 mm and 3.57±1.11 mm (right mandibular lateral movement); and 0.91±0.58 mm and 3.51±0.78mm (left mandibular lateral movement), respectively. No significant correlation in the condylar displacement between the working side condyles on the right and on the left sides was observed (r=.22; P=.248). The condylar poles of the articulator moved posteriorly, simulating the functional movements of the mandible during mastication. In all cases, condylar displacement during mandibular lateral movement both to the right and left occurred posteriorly on the working side condyle. The condylar poles of the articulator moved posteriorly simulating the functional movements of the mandible during mastication. Moreover, left and right working condyles may require slightly different spaces to function, suggesting minor anatomical asymmetries. es
dc.title The importance of the posterior joint space for functional mandibular movements : a laboratory cross-sectional study es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.54168 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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