Dentigerous cyst with parietal and intracystic calcifications : a case report and literature review

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Dentigerous cyst with parietal and intracystic calcifications : a case report and literature review

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Borrás Ferreres, Jordi; Sánchez Torres, Alba; Aguirre Urízar, José Manuel; Gay Escoda, Cosme
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Dentigerous cyst appears surrounding the crown of an included tooth. On the radiographic exam, a radiolucent rounded well-defined lesion can be observed. This study reports a clinical case of a 34-years old man with a pericoronal radiolucent lesion associated to an impacted lower third molar with the presence of radiopaque material inside. The radiological differential diagnosis was calcifying odontogenic tumor, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor and dentigerous cyst. The impacted third molar was removed and the lesion was sent for the histopathological exam. The histopathological diagnosis was dentigerous cyst with capsular calcifications. Specifically, parietal calcifications on its connective wall and a piece of cemento-osseous tissue inside. Non-neoplastic lesions such as dentigerous cysts could develop radiopacities inside the radiolucent pericoronal area.
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