Evaluation of the osteoclastogenic process associated with RANK / RANK-L / OPG in odontogenic myxomas

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Evaluation of the osteoclastogenic process associated with RANK / RANK-L / OPG in odontogenic myxomas

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Gonzalez Galvan, Maria del Carmen es Mosqueda Taylor, Adalberto es Bologna Molina, Ronell es Setién Olarra, Amaia es Marichalar Mendia, Xabier es Aguirre Urízar, José Manuel es 2018-05-28T10:45:24Z 2018-05-28T10:45:24Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Gonzalez Galvan, Maria del Carmen ; Mosqueda Taylor, Adalberto ; Bologna Molina, Ronell ; Setién Olarra, Amaia ; Marichalar Mendia, Xabier ; Aguirre Urízar, José Manuel. Evaluation of the osteoclastogenic process associated with RANK / RANK-L / OPG in odontogenic myxomas. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 23 3 2018: 9- es
dc.description.abstract Odontogenic myxoma (OM) is a benign intraosseous neoplasm that exhibits local aggressiveness and high recurrence rates. Osteoclastogenesis is an important phenomenon in the tumor growth of maxillary neoplasms. RANK (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor ?appa B) is the signaling receptor of RANK-L (Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-? ligand) that activates the osteoclasts. OPG (osteoprotegerin) is a decoy receptor for RANK-L that inhibits pro-osteoclastogenesis. The RANK / RANKL / OPG system participates in the regulation of osteolytic activity under normal conditions, and its alteration has been associated with greater bone destruction, and also with tumor growth. To analyze the immunohistochemical expression of OPG, RANK and RANK-L proteins in odontogenic myxomas (OMs) and their relationship with the tumor size. Eighteen OMs, 4 small (<3 cm) and 14 large (> 3cm) and 18 dental follicles (DF) that were included as control were studied by means of standard immunohistochemical procedure with RANK, RANKL and OPG antibodies. For the evaluation, 5 fields (40x) of representative areas of OM and DF were selected where the expression of each antibody was determined. Descriptive and comparative statistical analyses were performed with the obtained data. There are significant differences in the expression of RANK in OM samples as compared to DF (p = 0.022) and among the OMSs and OMLs (p = 0.032). Also a strong association is recognized in the expression of RANK-L and OPG in OM samples. Activation of the RANK / RANK-L / OPG triad seems to be involved in the mechanisms of bone balance and destruction, as well as associated with tumor growth in odontogenic myxomas. es
dc.title Evaluation of the osteoclastogenic process associated with RANK / RANK-L / OPG in odontogenic myxomas es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.22372 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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