Influence of different restorative materials on the stress distribution in dental implants

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Influence of different restorative materials on the stress distribution in dental implants

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Datte, Carlos-Eduardo es Tribst, João Paulo Mendes es Dal Piva, Amanda-Maria-de Oliveira es Nishioka, Renato Sussumu es BOTTINO, Marco Antônio es Evangelhista, Alexandre-Duarte M. es Monteiro, Fabrício M de M. es Borges, Alexandre- Luiz-Souto es 2018-06-11T09:29:18Z 2018-06-11T09:29:18Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Datte, Carlos-Eduardo ; Tribst, João Paulo Mendes ; Dal Piva, Amanda-Maria-de Oliveira ; Nishioka, Renato Sussumu ; BOTTINO, Marco Antônio ; Evangelhista, Alexandre-Duarte M. ; Monteiro, Fabrício M de M. ; Borges, Alexandre- Luiz-Souto. Influence of different restorative materials on the stress distribution in dental implants. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 10 5 2018: 439-444 es
dc.description.abstract To assist clinicians in deciding the most suitable restorative materials to be used in the crowns and abutment in implant rehabilitation. For finite element analysis (FEA), a regular morse taper implant was created using a computer aided design software. The implant was inserted at the bone model with 3 mm of exposed threads. An anatomic prosthesis representing a first maxillary molar was modeled and cemented on the solid abutment. Considering the crown material (zirconia, chromium-cobalt, lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramic) and abutment (Titanium and zirconia), the geometries were multiplied, totaling eight groups. In order to perform the static analysis, the contacts were considered bonded and each material was assigned as isotropic. An axial load (200 N) was applied on the crown and fixation occurred on the base of the bone. Results using Von-Mises criteria and micro strain values were obtained. A sample identical to the CAD model was made for the Strain Gauge (SG) analysis; four SGs were bonded around the implant to obtain micro strain results in bone tissue. FEA results were 3.83% lower than SG. According to the crown material, it is possible to note that the increase of elastic modulus reduces the stress concentration in all system without difference for bone. Crown materials with high elastic modulus are able to decrease the stress values in the abutments while concentrates the stress in its structure. Zirconia abutments tend to concentrate more stress throughout the prosthetic system and may be more susceptible to mechanical problems than titanium. es
dc.title Influence of different restorative materials on the stress distribution in dental implants es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.54554 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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