In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic stainless steel brackets using transillumination

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In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic stainless steel brackets using transillumination

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Dobrin, Keith R. es Bollu, Prashanti es Chaudhry, Kishore es Subramani, Karthikeyan es 2018-06-11T09:29:19Z 2018-06-11T09:29:19Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Dobrin, Keith R. ; Bollu, Prashanti ; Chaudhry, Kishore ; Subramani, Karthikeyan. In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic stainless steel brackets using transillumination. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 10 5 2018: 450-457 es
dc.description.abstract The objective of this study was to compare the effect of transillumination techniques to conventional light curing on shear bond strength (SBS) and adhesive remnant index (ARI) of orthodontic stainless steel brackets. 240 extracted human maxillary incisors, canines and premolars were randomly separated into four control and four experimental groups, based on tooth type. Labio-lingual thickness was measured. Control groups were light cured from buccal surface and experimental groups from lingual surface (transillumination) from four directions (mesial-distal, incisal-direct, direct, mesial-distal-incisal). SBS was measured using an Instron machine and ARI evaluated by microscopic inspection. Mean SBS on maxillary central incisors was lower when cured from lingual side in comparison with buccal side for three light cure directions, but direct cure direction showed nearly equal SBS. Statistical significance was observed for mesial-distal cure direction only. In contrast to central incisors, lateral incisors showed a higher mean SBS when treated from lingual side, for two cure directions (mesial-distal and incisal-direct) with statistical significance observed only for mesial-distal light cure direction. Mean SBS was lower when cured from lingual direction in comparison with buccal direction for all cure directions for canines and premolars. For canines statistical significance was observed for all directions, except incisal-direct; whereas for premolars statistical significance was observed for direct and mesial-distal-incisal directions only. Transillumination is an effective and clinically acceptable light curing technique for bonding orthodontic stainless steel brackets to maxillary central and lateral incisors. For the other teeth groups (canines and premolars) tested, the mean SBS values, using transillumination light curing fell below the acceptable clinical SBS values, indicating that transillumination is not beneficial in light curing brackets on these teeth. es
dc.title In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic stainless steel brackets using transillumination es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.54751 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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