Replanteamiento de fondo en la enseñanza de la filosofía : temas y apropiación

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Replanteamiento de fondo en la enseñanza de la filosofía : temas y apropiación

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Velásquez Giraldo, Carla Isabel es 2018-06-18T09:27:13Z 2018-06-18T09:27:13Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Velásquez Giraldo, Carla Isabel. Replanteamiento de fondo en la enseñanza de la filosofía : temas y apropiación. En: Quaderns de filosofia, 4 2 2017: 35-58 es
dc.description.abstract How is philosophy useful? is the question posed from outside the philosophical community and whose answer can either open doors or become a serious obstacle to its consolidation as a subject. The constant external questioning regarding its ?lack of usefulness?, and the apologetic task it generates, seem to be an indication that philosophy requires innovation in some aspects of its teaching. In order to contribute to this effort it is essential to identify the problems, and it is determined that the lack of interaction with science may be one of them. Two ideas which are methodologically linked to this change of approach are presented: one is to underscore the philosophical problems and not the authors; and the other one is to enable the students to appropriate philosophy intellectually as a constitutive element of their thinking. Both ideas would be implemented on the basis of establishing a close relation with science, as well as making some changes in didactics. Palabras clave: educación, innovación, filosofía, ciencia, problema, apropiación. Keywords: education, innovation, philosophy, science, problem, appropriation. es
dc.title Replanteamiento de fondo en la enseñanza de la filosofía : temas y apropiación es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::FILOSOFÍA es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/qfia.4.2.9462 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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