Planteamiento metodológico para contribuir a la cohesión social en el barrio de 'La Coma' (Valencia-España)

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Planteamiento metodológico para contribuir a la cohesión social en el barrio de 'La Coma' (Valencia-España)

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Méndez López, Ángel Joel; Pérez Cosín, José Vicente; Uceda i Maza, Francesc Xavier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

The present article is focused on the development of the central themes which have guided the design of the empirical study involved in the research entitled 'The community self-development as a means of reinforcing social cohesion in excluded territories. Case: 'La Coma' neighborhood. The content is exhibited according to Valle's design scheme for qualitative research (2003: 75-101), comprising the following moments: problem approach, work aims, sampling decisions, and selection of strategies and techniques for data collection, analysis and presentation. Moreover, this article exhibits sequentially the main actions which have enabled the design implementation and research aims achievement.
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