Los derechos humanos en la sociedad del riesgo. Crisis del Estado, justicia intergeneracional y medio ambiente || Human rights in risk society. State crisis, intergenerational justice and environment

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Los derechos humanos en la sociedad del riesgo. Crisis del Estado, justicia intergeneracional y medio ambiente || Human rights in risk society. State crisis, intergenerational justice and environment

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Julios Campuzano, Alfonso de
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

 The globalisation era is, as Beck has pointed out, the age of global risk, characterized by the increasing level of risk in the management of technical means. In this context, the insufficiency of a model of understanding human rights linked to the first modernity becomes increasingly evident. Against this, we demand a new paradigm of human rights that, from the global dimension of problems and from an intergenerational conception of justice, transcend the territorial limits of the State and incorporate the dimension of future in the protection of legal assets.
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