La Unión Europea ante la gestión de la crisis de los refugiados || The European Union faces the refugee crisis

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La Unión Europea ante la gestión de la crisis de los refugiados || The European Union faces the refugee crisis

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Payero López, Lucía
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This article analyses the way in which the EU and its member states are dealing with the so-called refugee crisis. First of all, EU migration policy is assessed in order to show that capitalism and market needs establish the guidelines to be followed when tackling these two issues, migration and asylum. As a result, and in the context of an economic crisis, the number of people admitted into the EU has been dramatically reduced. Even more, foreigners ?migrants and refugees? are blamed on the detrimental effects of crisis, and this is used as a strategy to maintain social cohesion within the national community. This policy has a negative impact not only on refugees and migrants, but also on EU citizens and the EU project itself.
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