Sobre el origen de los derechos naturales en los juristas del siglo XII || On Natural Rights? Origin in the Jurists of the XIIth Century

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Sobre el origen de los derechos naturales en los juristas del siglo XII || On Natural Rights? Origin in the Jurists of the XIIth Century

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Megías Quirós, José Justo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Recently, it has often been attributed to the 12th century decretists the first formulation of natural rights. In this sense, Brian Tierney placed his origin in the works of Rufino and Huguccio, when they commented on the "demonstrative" part of natural law. This thesis would mean bringing forward his birth to an era dominated by the objectivist conception of Law. We examine here the conception of Law in the most important decretists of the second half of the 12th century (Paucapalea, Rufino, Esteban de Tournai, Simón Bisiniano and Huguccio) as well as the relevance that these jurists gave the law from a subjective perspective
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