Management of a crown-root fracture : a novel technique with interdisciplinary approach

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Management of a crown-root fracture : a novel technique with interdisciplinary approach

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Artieda-Estanga, Amaia; Castelo Baz, Pablo; Bello Castro, A.; Ramos Barbosa, Isabel; Martín Biedma, Benjamín; Blanco Carrión, Juan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Anterior teeth with subgingival fractures require a complex treatment plan that addresses biologic, functional and aesthetic factors. This case report describes the management of a crown-root fractured maxillary left central incisor. An interdisciplinary approach was used to restore the tooth due to the complex nature of the treatment. Orthodontic extrusion was performed to move the fracture line above the alveolar bone and periodontal surgery to recontour the altered gingival margin. Finally, the incisor was restored performing a root canal retreatment with a fiber post and a full ceramic crown. The treatment resulted in secured periodontal health and good aesthetics
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