Ifigenia en Áulide como tragedia política y su repercusión en el mundo ilustrado: la Iphigenia de Jovellanos

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Ifigenia en Áulide como tragedia política y su repercusión en el mundo ilustrado: la Iphigenia de Jovellanos

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Sebastià Sáez, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The focus on this paper is to bring to light Jovellanos? translation (1769) of Jean Racine?s Iphigénie (1674), regarding to the purpose of this translation and the subsequent hiding of it. The tragedy was not published or was included in canonical Jovellanos? corpora. In 2007 the drama manuscript appears in the Spanish Monastery of San Millán de Yuso: its archivist and librarian finds it. I shall study Iphigenia in Aulis as a political tragedy since Euripides drama to lately versions, recreations and 18th century translations. It was written to show universal facts, but also the different contemporary social and political backgrounds of their authors, trying to avoid the censorship. Therefore, I will show a general outlook of the myth attending to warlike and estate issues, and to the specific recreation of the myth during the age of Enlightenment taking Jovellanos as a model.
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