Eros / Thanatos en El rapto de las Sabinas de Francisco García Pavón

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Eros / Thanatos en El rapto de las Sabinas de Francisco García Pavón

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Andújar Cantón, José Ignacio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

García Pavón is currently an almost unknown author, in spite of the fact that he enjoyed a great popularity in his time because of his countless literary awards and the television adaptations of his police stories. Our paper, which deals with the Classical tradition in one of his first detective stories, El rapto de las Sabinas, attempts to save him from oblivion. This same writer, who is an expert in Classical Literature, considers Latin authors a valuable resource to shape a peculiar work with a setting and features of its own. This tradition may be observed in both the classical recurrent themes collected by García Pavón in his stories. It is therefore our aim to prove that the Classical World survives in García Pavón´s work, where it is wisely given a sense of thematic and style unity.
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