Risk transmission between Islamic and conventional stock markets: A return and volatility spillover analysis

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Risk transmission between Islamic and conventional stock markets: A return and volatility spillover analysis

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Shahzad, Syed Jawad Hussain Ferrer Lapeña, Román Ballester Miquel, Laura Umar, Zaghum 2018-09-06T10:54:45Z 2018-09-06T10:54:45Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Shahzad, Syed Jawad Hussain Ferrer Lapeña, Román Ballester Miquel, Laura Umar, Zaghum 2017 Risk transmission between Islamic and conventional stock markets: A return and volatility spillover analysis International Review Of Financial Analysis 52 9 26
dc.description.abstract This paper contributes to the current debate on the empirical validity of the decoupling hypothesis of the Islamic stockmarket fromits mainstream counterparts by examining return and volatility spillovers across the global Islamic stock market, three main conventional national stockmarkets (the US, the UK and Japan) and a number of influential macroeconomic and financial variables over the period from July 1996 to June 2016. To that end, the VAR-based spillover index approach based on the generalized VAR framework developed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) is applied. The empirical analysis shows strong interactions in return and volatility among the global Islamic stock market, the conventional stock markets and the set of major risk factors considered. This finding means that the Islamic equity universe does not constitute a viable alternative for investors who wish to hedge their investments against the vagaries of stockmarkets, but it is exposed to the same global factors and risks hitting the conventional financial system. Therefore, this evidence leads to the rejection of the decoupling hypothesis of the Islamic stock market from conventional stock markets, which has significant implications for faithbased investors and policy makers in terms of portfolio diversification, hedging strategies and contagion risk.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Review Of Financial Analysis, 2017, vol. 52, p. 9-26
dc.subject Islamisme
dc.subject Economia
dc.title Risk transmission between Islamic and conventional stock markets: A return and volatility spillover analysis
dc.type journal article es_ES 2018-09-06T10:54:45Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.irfa.2017.04.005
dc.identifier.idgrec 118291
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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