Towards integrated management of the coasts and of the coastal waters in Spain

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Towards integrated management of the coasts and of the coastal waters in Spain

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Juste Ruiz, José; Bou Franch, Valentín
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2010
l. Background. 2. Influence of International Law. 2.1. Global marine Conventions. 2.2. Regional marine Conventions. 2.3. UNCED and Agenda 21, Chapter 17. 3. European Community Law. 3.1. Coastal related instruments. 3.2. Applicable environmental legislation. 3.3. The Common Fisheries Policy. 4. Internal legislative framework. 4.1. The Spanish coastal zones. 4.2. The exercise of costal competences. 4.3. Special reference to fishing, shellfisheries and aquaculture. 5. Special reference to the Mediterranean. 5.1. Political aspects. 5.2. Environmental aspects. 5.3. Special problems. 6. Concluding remarks
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