Actively mode-locked all-fiber laser by 5 MHz transmittance modulation of an acousto-optic tunable bandpass filter

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Actively mode-locked all-fiber laser by 5 MHz transmittance modulation of an acousto-optic tunable bandpass filter

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Bello-Jiménez, M.; Hernández-Escobar, E.; Camarillo-Avilés, A.; Pottiez, O.; Díez Cremades, Antonio; Andrés, Miguel V.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Active mode-locking of an all-fiber ring laser by transmittance modulation of an in-fiber acousto-optic tunable bandpass filter (AOTBF) is reported. Cavity loss modulation is achieved by full acousto-optic mode re-coupling cycle induced by standing flexural acoustic waves. The modulator permits the implementation of 28 dB of nonresonant light suppression, 1.4 nm of modulation bandwidth, 74% of modulation depth and 4.11 dB of optical loss in a 72.5 cm-long all-fiber configuration. The effects of the modulated AOTBF on the laser performance are investigated. Transform-limited optical pulses of 8.8 ps temporal width and 6.0 W peak power were obtained at 4.87 MHz repetition rate.
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