Phonological Analysis of English Phonotactics: A Case Study of Arab Learners of English

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Phonological Analysis of English Phonotactics: A Case Study of Arab Learners of English

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Al-Saidat, Emad M.; Bin Talal, Al-Hussein
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

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This study aims to analyze the English phonotactics in the English of Arab learners of English as a foreign language to determine the types of pronunciation difficulties they encounter. More specifically, it investigates the types of declusterization processes found in their interlanguage and the sources of such processes. The results of this study demonstrate that Arab learners of English unintentionally insert an anaptyctic vowel in the onset as well as in the coda of certain English syllables. Results also show that the major reason for declusterization processes is the mother tongue influence. In order to overcome such difficulties, this paper suggests a new approach for teaching and learning L2 syllable structure system.
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