Genomic variation in tomato, from wild ancestors to contemporary breeding accessions

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Genomic variation in tomato, from wild ancestors to contemporary breeding accessions

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Blanca, José; Montero Pau, Javier; Sauvage, Christopher; Bauchet, Guillaume; Illa, Eudald; Díez, María José; Francis, David; Causse, Mathilde; Van der Knaap, Esther; Cañizares, Joaquín
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This study presents a broad and detailed representation of the genomic variation in tomato. Tomato domestication seems to have followed a two step-process; a first domestication in South America and a second step in Mesoamerica. The distribution of fruit weight and shape alleles supports that domestication of SLC occurred in the Andean region. Our results also clarify the biological status of SLC as true phylogenetic group within tomato. We detect Ecuadorian and Peruvian accessions that may represent a pool of unexplored variation that could be of interest for crop improvement.
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