Presence of Naraoia Walcott, 1912 (Nektaspida, Arthropoda) in the middle Cambrian of Europe (Murero, NE Spain).

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Presence of Naraoia Walcott, 1912 (Nektaspida, Arthropoda) in the middle Cambrian of Europe (Murero, NE Spain).

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Gozalo Gutiérrez, Rodolfo; Dies Álvarez, M. E.; Gámez Vintaned, José Antonio; Chirivella Martorell, Juan Bautista; Liñán, Eladio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The genus Naraoia Walcott, 1912, a Burgess Shale-type fossil known from the lower and middle Cambrian of British Columbia (Canada), Idaho and Utah (USA), as well as from Yunnan and Guizhou provinces (China), is now reported from the middle Cambrian of Murero (Zaragoza, Spain), which is the first record in the Acadobaltic province. The only fragmented specimen found is determined as Naraoia sp., its age being Pardailhania multispinosa Zone (Drumian Stage). This new datum reinforces the hypothesis of the existence of a cosmopolitan faunal substrate in early Cambrian times, which is to some extent refl ected in the mid Cambrian by faunal groups of low evolutionary potential as the family Naraoiidae and other soft-bodied fossil taxa.
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