En el yacimiento arqueológico de Karea (Aia, Gipuzkoa), integrado por las cavidades contiguas de Karea-A y Karea-B, se recuperaron numerosos restos cerámicos y faunísticos (Karea-A) y vestigios de una inhumación calcolítica (Karea-B). El presente trabajo se ha vertebrado en dos ejes. En primer lugar, el estudio de ambos depósitos mediante diferentes disciplinas: (1) estudio antropológico; (2) estudio del ajuar, compuesto por restos cerámicos y faunísticos; (3) identificación antracológica de los restos leñosos recuperados en el depósito funerario y por último, (4) estudios isotópicos que nos han permitido obtener datos de la alimentación (δ13C y δ15N) y procedencia (87Sr/86Sr) del sujeto inhumado en el yacimiento. En segundo lugar, siendo este el objetivo preferente de este trabajo, contextualizar y establecer una comparativa con otras manifestaciones sepulcrales prehistóricas en cueva de la región. Karea-A eta Karea-B haitzuloez konposatutako historiaurreko Kareako (Aia, Gipuzkoa) aztarnategi arkeologikoan, zeramika, fauna zein kalkolitoko ehorzketa baten aztarnak berreskuratu ziren. Honako lan honek ondorioz, bi ardatz ditu. Alde batetik, deposituen azterketa diziplina desberdinen bidez: (1) azterketa antropologikoa; (2) hatua osatzen duten zeramika nahiz fauna aztarnen azterketa; (3) ehorzketan berresku- ratutako egur-ikatzen behaketa eta, (4) ehortzitako gizabanakoaren elikaduraren (δ 13 C y δ 15 N) eta jatorriaren ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) inguruan berri ematen diguten analisi isotopikoak. Bestetik, eta artikulu honen helburu nagusi izanez, kobazuloa bere testuinguruan kokatu zein, eskualdean dauden gainontzeko ehorzketa kobazuloekin alderaketa burutu. Archaeological site of Karea (Aia, Gipuzkoa) was discovered in 2007 by Antxieta Jakintza Taldea (a Basque cultural-speleological aggru- pation from Azpeitia -Gipuzkoa-). This site has two contiguous cavities where different archaeological remains were discovered: Karea-A and Karea-B. Karea-A, which has small dimensions and an easy entrance, was excavated in 2008 by Antxieta Jakintza Taldea and Maria José Iriarte-Chiapusso (archaeologist and IKERBASQUE researcher). Faunal remains and abundant pottery remains were recovered there, sugges- ting a short time human occupation during prehistorical times. At the same time, the speleological group found a second cave which has a small and hidden entrance: Karea-B. The researchers supposed that the cavities were linked in the past, but, an internal collapse divided both caves. They also found some human bones in a small side gallery. The excavation of Karea-B in 2009 resulted in the discovery of a chalcolithic inhumation. Some pottery and fauna remains, which were identified like grave goods, were also found with the human body. Under this burial, charcoal fragments were recovered, suggesting a ritual or hygienic aim because there is no fire signal into the bones. We here present a multi - disciplinary study of this archaeological deposit consisting of: (1) anthropological study; (2) pottery and faunal grave good assemblage study; (3) anthracological study of the wood recovered at the burial; (4) isotopic study to gain information on diet (δ 13 C and δ 15 N) and provenance ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) from the buried individual. Finally, we have contextualized this new finding amongst other cave burials from Gipuzkoa and especially in Urola Valley.