Religious tourism and subjective well being: an empirical analysis in hajj pilgrimage

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Religious tourism and subjective well being: an empirical analysis in hajj pilgrimage

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dc.contributor.advisor del Saz Salazar, Salvador
dc.contributor.advisor Cervera Taulet, Amparo Alkhozaim, Sultan Mohammed
dc.contributor.other Institut Interuniversitari d'Economia Internacional es_ES 2018-12-12T12:07:59Z 2019-12-13T05:45:05Z 2018 es_ES 10-12-2018 es_ES
dc.description.abstract Abstract This study entitled “Religious Tourism and Subjective Well-Being (SWB): An Empirical Analysis in Hajj Pilgrimage” investigated the influence of religious tourism on subjective well-being (SWB) in the case of Hajj pilgrims. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the geographic, demographic and socio-economic factors that may have considerable effects on the Hajj pilgrims’ well-being and life satisfaction. The study is conducted through an analytical methodology in which a sheer quantitative method was used involving an extensive questionnaire administered to a pool of 500 pilgrims from three continents, namely Asia, Africa and Europe in addition to pilgrims from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in order to achieve the above-stated primary aim. The study is conducted in order to fulfil three main objectives, the first of which aims to reveal the multifaceted relationships between religiosity, and life satisfaction of the Hajj pilgrims. The second objective is to estimate the monetary value that pilgrims attach to non-market characteristics of their religious beliefs. The third objective is to investigate the heterogeneity effects of the Hajj pilgrims on their life satisfaction. The most important finding of this study involves the major factors that had significant and positive effects on life satisfaction and well-being of the pilgrims which were found to include personal relationships, memorable and challenging experiences about the Hajj trip, health status and personal incomes. The study recommended that the policy makers in Saudi Arabia, the ultimate destination of Hajj pilgrims, and those of other countries from where Hajj pilgrims set out to perform Hajj, take the findings of this study into consideration in order to improve and enrich the experience of Hajj pilgrims, and make it contribute to their life satisfaction, happiness, peace, and tranquillity. en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract This study entitled “Religious Tourism and Subjective Well-Being (SWB): An Empirical Analysis in Hajj Pilgrimage” investigated the influence of religious tourism on subjective well-being (SWB) in the case of Hajj pilgrims. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the geographic, demographic and socio-economic factors that may have considerable effects on the Hajj pilgrims’ well-being and life satisfaction. The study is conducted through an analytical methodology in which a sheer quantitative method was used involving an extensive questionnaire administered to a pool of 500 pilgrims from three continents, namely Asia, Africa and Europe in addition to pilgrims from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in order to achieve the above-stated primary aim. The study is conducted in order to fulfil three main objectives, the first of which aims to reveal the multifaceted relationships between religiosity, and life satisfaction of the Hajj pilgrims. The second objective is to estimate the monetary value that pilgrims attach to non-market characteristics of their religious beliefs. The third objective is to investigate the heterogeneity effects of the Hajj pilgrims on their life satisfaction. The most important finding of this study involves the major factors that had significant and positive effects on life satisfaction and well-being of the pilgrims which were found to include personal relationships, memorable and challenging experiences about the Hajj trip, health status and personal incomes. The study recommended that the policy makers in Saudi Arabia, the ultimate destination of Hajj pilgrims, and those of other countries from where Hajj pilgrims set out to perform Hajj, take the findings of this study into consideration in order to improve and enrich the experience of Hajj pilgrims, and make it contribute to their life satisfaction, happiness, peace, and tranquillity. es_ES
dc.format.extent 232 p. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.subject religious tourism, subjective well being, hajj pilgrimage, economic evaluation, heterogeneity, latent class analysis es_ES
dc.title Religious tourism and subjective well being: an empirical analysis in hajj pilgrimage es_ES
dc.type doctoral thesis es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 1 year es_ES

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