Cosmic censorship conjecture in some matching spherical collapsing metrics

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Cosmic censorship conjecture in some matching spherical collapsing metrics

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Lapiedra Civera, Ramón; Morales Lladosa, Juan Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

A physically plausible Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi collapse in the marginally bound case is considered. By 'physically plausible,' we mean that the corresponding metric is C1 matched at the collapsing star surface and further that its intrinsic energy is, as due, stationary and finite. It is proved for this Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi collapse, for some parameter values, that its intrinsic central singularity is globally naked, thus violating the cosmic censorship conjecture with, for each direction, one photon, or perhaps a pencil of photons, leaving the singularity and reaching the null infinity. Our result is discussed in relation to some other cases in the current literature on the subject in which some of the central singularities are globally naked, too.
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