LHC signals of radiatively-induced neutrino masses and implications for the Zee-Babu model

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LHC signals of radiatively-induced neutrino masses and implications for the Zee-Babu model

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Alcaide, Julien; Chala, Mikael; Santamaria, Arcadi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Contrary to the see-saw models, extended Higgs sectors leading to radiatively-induced neutrino masses do require the extra particles to be at the TeV scale. However, these new states have often exotic decays, to which experimental LHC searches performed so far, focused on scalars decaying into pairs of same-sign leptons, are not sensitive. In this paper we show that their experimental signatures can start to be tested with current LHC data if dedicated multi-region analyses correlating different observables are used. We also provide high-accuracy estimations of the complicated Standard Model backgrounds involved. For the case of the Zee-Babu model, we show that regions not yet constrained by neutrino data and low-energy experiments can be already probed, while most of the parameter space could be excluded at the 95% C.L. in a high-luminosity phase of the LHC.
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