Antologuemos. Tendencias, inercias y derivas en las últimas antologías poéticas en la España contemporánea

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Antologuemos. Tendencias, inercias y derivas en las últimas antologías poéticas en la España contemporánea

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Molina Gil, Raúl
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

In Spain, the history of the poetry in the last decades, the canonization processes and hegemony fights in the poetry field have been largely caused by the anthologies. These books influenced the position of the poets and the poetics into the structure of the poetry field. It is not a naïve action, because it involves a lot of ideology and commercial elements, which can affect not the poetry writing and the cultural and sociopolitical organization. So, it is crucial to study this spaces from a critical point of view, even further in this kind of process, which involves the writers who were born after 1980. In this article, we will analyze the anthologies that contain the poetry work of these poets. 
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