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15 march. In that way (1)
1848 and 1870) and the departure from the Criminal Law of Ancient Regime Codificación penal (1)
2013 and January 15 (1)
2014 applies the civil code and allows to determine judicially the maternity by means of the exercise of an action of claim for possession of status foreseen in the article 131. In the present study there is going to be analyzed the mentioned regulation and the position adopted as the mentioned High Court in such resolutions. Filiación (1)
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2386-4567 22661 Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana 502169 2018 9 6653320 Tratamiento jurídico de una enfermedad social. Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) Cremades García (1)
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2386-4567 22661 Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana 502169 2018 9 6653324 Garantías legales del concepto de privacidad: Entre el derecho al olvido y el nuevo reglamento europeo de protección de datos Sancho López (1)


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