Garantías legales del concepto de privacidad: Entre el derecho al olvido y el nuevo reglamento europeo de protección de datos

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Garantías legales del concepto de privacidad: Entre el derecho al olvido y el nuevo reglamento europeo de protección de datos

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Sancho López, Marina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The operation of new technologies and the supply of digital goods involves for users to disclose their personal data. The market data is already a reality with the danger that this entails for the privacy of citizens. The new General Data Protection Regulation has created a new legal framework that aims to radically change the current model, giving users greater powers to control their data. A good example of this is the express statement, and for the first time, of the right to be forgotten, which allows citizens to digitally erase their data when other fundamental rights are endangered.
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