Cuestiones varias en torno a la determinación de la filiación por doble paternidad

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Cuestiones varias en torno a la determinación de la filiación por doble paternidad

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Berrocal Lanzarot, Ana Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The article 7.3 of the law 14/2006, of May 26 on technologies of human assisted reproduction establishes the possibility of determining legally the double maternity of married women and not separated legally or of fact, when the not biological mother consents that filiation decides to his favor the respect of the born son of his spouse. In the suppositions not regulated in the mentioned rule the Supreme Court in relation with equal women?s homosexuality in judgment of December 5, 2013 and January 15, 2014 applies the civil code and allows to determine judicially the maternity by means of the exercise of an action of claim for possession of status foreseen in the article 131. In the present study there is going to be analyzed the mentioned regulation and the position adopted as the mentioned High Court in such resolutions.
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