El amianto en el medio laboral y patologías que podrían ser incluidas en la lista de enfermedades profesionales

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El amianto en el medio laboral y patologías que podrían ser incluidas en la lista de enfermedades profesionales

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Andrés Alonso, Alfonso es 2019-01-23T12:08:09Z 2019-01-23T12:08:09Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Andrés Alonso, Alfonso . El amianto en el medio laboral y patologías que podrían ser incluidas en la lista de enfermedades profesionales. En: Gaceta internacional de ciencias forenses, 28 2018: 12-30 es
dc.description.abstract The use of asbestos, a mineral used for numerous industrial purposes during the last century, was definitively banned in Spain in 2002 due to its toxicity to the organism. In our country, the law of occupational diseases includes the following patholog ies in relation to occupational exposure to asbestos: asbestosis, fibrosing affections of the pleura and pericardium that occur w ith respiratory or cardiac restriction, malignant bronchial and lung neoplasms, mesothelioma and larynx cancer. All of them have favorable conditions of protection with respect to the common disease as stipulated by law. However, the issue of asbestos is now very topical, and the appearance of news with some frequency in the media is not uncommon. Some of them relate it to some pathologies not included in the law. Therefore, this work aims to carry out a review of the existing literature in order to know if t here is related evidence favorable to the association between exposure to asbestos and other diseases, always considering the occupational context, as well as a search of the possible related sentences that may have been in our country. Likewise, an analys is of the situation of Spain in relation to the recognition of occupational diseases with respect to other European countries has also been carried out. The method th at we used was a systematic review of articles of scientific evidence collected from diffe rent databases (Medline, Dialnet) conducting a literature search for MeSH descriptors of articles published in the last 10 years. Based on the results, is evidenced the existence of s ome controversy when deciding if a disease can be considered as professio nal or not, but also the need to address the issue in our country with the importance it deserves. es
dc.title El amianto en el medio laboral y patologías que podrían ser incluidas en la lista de enfermedades profesionales es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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