Relevancia de los análisis toxicológicos en una investigación policial.

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Relevancia de los análisis toxicológicos en una investigación policial.

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Trasancos Pantín, Andrea
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

In this project a police investigation has been studied in order to stand out the relevance chemical analysis might have in its resolution. Initially the case is studied, an investigation on the murder of a minor. It is suspected that the girl had been drugged due to absence of resistance, among other evidences. As the investigation proceeds, proof of a series of events in which the girl had been drugged are found out and therefore suspicions increase. In order to confirm that those events have taken place, the corresponding toxicological analy sis is carried out, proceeding with different techniques to determine the presence of drugs in hair, urine and blood. These techniques are thoroughly described in this pr oject.
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