Death, understood as the end of life in its wider and general definition, supposes an intrinsically fact linked to all the li ving beings, since it i s the life's sine qua non. Through history, humans have felt for this phenomenon as much fascination as fear and similarly, death has been studied and i nterpreted from diverse areas such as religion, philosophy or art. However, as a biological phenomenon, death has been included in medicine studies since its early beginning, as for hinder or delay its appearance and to understand this complex phenomenon. Therefore, after centuries of medical advances, we have been able to understand lots of the issues about this phenomenon, being capable of creating its own legislation and manipulating it, mantaining alive the whom which for certain causes, have lost a part of its live condition. That is the reason why, after all this scientific and medical advances to diagn ose death, that is to say, the fact of determining if a body har bors life or not, don?t have to cause us many dificulties. Quite the opposite. Numerous medical mistakes in death diagnoses have led patients to premature burials, even in the XXI century. It seems that the correct death diagnose has been one of the most complicated and necessary medical tasks during all the history of medicine, a difficu lt that nowadays persists all over the world. Consequently, this project pretends to revise the mordern deat h concept and its legislation, underlining the amount of mistakes during the death diagnoses as well as discussing polemical issues, like the Lazarus Phenomenon, and finally to propose the regulatio n of a new medical praxis which contributes to a more effi cient and accurated diagnose of death