Estimación del intervalo postmortem en cadáveres hallados en el mar : evidencia publicada en el siglo XXI

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Estimación del intervalo postmortem en cadáveres hallados en el mar : evidencia publicada en el siglo XXI

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Chiang Palma, Lin Yen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Corpses found in water are a great challenge for Forensic Science; the difficulty in establishing a postmortem interval was a constant for the research teams during the 20th century. A review was made to look o ver the evidence published since the year 2000 regarding the estimation of a postmortem interval in corpses found in the sea; eight publications were selected, which were a nalyzed and compared, allowing to generate recommendations for forensic doctors rega rding the analysis of a body submerged in the sea and on what elements to investigate in the place of the finding, thus allowing to pronounce with certainty in these cases, based on scientific evidence.
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