When the human body dies, a series of phenomena appears in the corpse, known as ca -daveric, that involve in its establishment a number of changes physico -chemical as well as biologi -cal, result of cessation of vital functions and cellular activity. In this complex process that is death, the appearance of the cadaveric phenomena will follow a chronological order of appearance, where the chemical processes and their reactions will be decisive in the implantation and development of such phenomena. Based on this chronol ogy, these phenomena can be classified as early or consecutive and as well as late or destructive. Furthermore, as a consequence of various environmental factors, conservative phenomena of the corpse can occur which will slow the degrada tion processes, thus paralyzing the putrefaction of the matter. In this present work are show the chemical reactions which take place in the organism once death occurs as well as the chemic al compounds that give rise to these processes, giving a new approach to the study of the cadaveric phenomena