?Stanislavski es Stalin? : teatro, experimentación y política en la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983)

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?Stanislavski es Stalin? : teatro, experimentación y política en la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983)

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Manduca, Ramiro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

In 1975, the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (PST), of Trotskyist orientation, had turned into a clandestine organization and part of its leadership had gone into exile in Colombia. At 1977, under the military dictatorship, a group of people connected to the party conformed the Taller de Investigaciones Teatrales (TIT). In this paper internal documents of the organization will be analyzed whit the purpose of reflecting about the way in wich the labour of the party in the theatrical field was gestated, researching the experimental character of its aesthetics and, at the same time trying to explane the tensions and different conceptions about of the link of the theatrical groups with the party. For the latter, the already mentioned interviews with some of the members will be added to the documents.
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