Violencia de género y efectividad de los derechos sociales. Posible protección a través de las políticas de rentas mínimas lato sensu | Gender Violence and Social Rights Effectiveness. Protection through Minimum Income Policies Lato Sensu in Spain

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Violencia de género y efectividad de los derechos sociales. Posible protección a través de las políticas de rentas mínimas lato sensu | Gender Violence and Social Rights Effectiveness. Protection through Minimum Income Policies Lato Sensu in Spain

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Vila Viñas, David
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Through the relations between gender violence y socioeconomic risk factor, this paper analyzes if minimum income policies are able to contribute to gender violence prevention and to the effectiveness of the right to a life free of violence. After the affirmation of this possibility, the paper considers characteristics that this policies from Autonomous Communities should have in order to achieve these goals.
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