El concepto de dignidad en la teoria de las capacidades de Martha Nussbaum | The Concept of Human Dignity according to Martha Nussbaum?s capability approach theory

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El concepto de dignidad en la teoria de las capacidades de Martha Nussbaum | The Concept of Human Dignity according to Martha Nussbaum?s capability approach theory

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Bohorques Marchori, Lupe
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The concept of human dignity has been and is still a matter of some legal and philosophical debates of great transcendence. The vagueness of the concept and the scope of its meaning occupies an important place in the field of the philosophy of law, in the case of a notion that deserves to be reviewed and clarified, since, if some thinkers and lawyers argue that it is a fundamental ethical criterion, others are skeptical and consider it a term "empty of content" and even "useless". This articleaimsto clarifywhatisthemeaningthatMartaNussbaumgivestothe conceptofhumandignityinthetheoryof the approachofcapacities,whichhavebeenthephilosophicalsourcestoelaboratethisconcept,andifthemeaningthatNussbaumgivestotheconceptofdignitysheds clarityandallowsanapplication"ergaomens", according to her cosmopolitan project. 
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