Gamificación en la docència de lingüística clínica : un Cluedo per als trastorns del llenguatge

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Gamificación en la docència de lingüística clínica : un Cluedo per als trastorns del llenguatge

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Moreno Campos, Verónica; Suvires García, Miguel Ángel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The teaching practice that we present was developed because of the difficulties with the practice of the theoretical concepts at Intervención de los Trastornos del Aprendizaje, de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje y de la Conducta subject in the Grado de Educación Infantil at Universidad Internacional de Valencia. The proposal was focused on the increasing of the student competence and know how to apply the theory. The objectives were: 1: to secure theoretical knowledges about disorders, and 2: to apply the knowledge to practical supposes in a gamification context. The results were analyzed with a questionnaire for the students to know their perception about gamification learning process and with a evaluation rubric to measure the competence acquisition. The conclusion is that gamification is a positive element to competence acquisition in the subject and a motivational element, as well.
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