Introspección reflexiva del estudiante sobre su experiencia en másteres internacionales

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Introspección reflexiva del estudiante sobre su experiencia en másteres internacionales

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G. Gallarza, Martina; Fayos Gardó, Teresa; Fontana Vinat, María; Derqui Zaragozá, Belén
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Value co-creation is becoming a mainstream in higher education, as a progress within the ?Students as Customer? approach. Furthermore, the development of qualitative studies through reflective methods from students can help instructors and managers. The aim of this research is to explore with the aid of a CAQDAS, 30 students? reflective statements in two master programs. Findings are presented in terms of value dimensions: functional, emotional and social, and in terms of positive (benefits) and negative (cost) aspects of the experience. The usefulness of introspective methodologies from students is shown in the evaluation of the multidimensional and intercultural educational experience.
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