Una tipología de casos para enseñar el modelo de evolución por selección natural

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Una tipología de casos para enseñar el modelo de evolución por selección natural

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González Galli, Leonardo; Meinardi, Elsa Noemí; Pérez, Gastón Mariano
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The teaching of all content requires using specific cases or examples as problems that give meaning to the construction of nearby scientific models. There are several criteria for the selection of such cases. In this paper we present the fundamentals of a proposal for the selection of cases for the teaching of the model of evolution by natural selection. This proposal is based on the interaction between these cases and the epistemological conceptions and obstacles of the students. Each category of cases proposed here is defined by the concepts and obstacles whose explanation and revision facilitates. It is also suggested that the awareness of these conceptions and obstacles is a necessary condition for learning as it is understood from the theoretical framework of modeling.
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