Del discurso tradicional al modelo innovador en enseñanza de las ciencias : obstáculos para el cambio

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Del discurso tradicional al modelo innovador en enseñanza de las ciencias : obstáculos para el cambio

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Delord, Gabriela Carolina Cattani; Porlán Ariza, Rafael
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

In this paper, the traditional discourse in science classes is analyzed against the alternative discourse of the IRES Project (Research and Renewal of the School), through three teachers who develop a didactic unit of Sciences. The theoretical and methodological framework used is based on the Discourse Analysis. The study shows that, even in an innovative and well-founded practice, ideological obstacles appear that make difficult introducing changes. Three obstacles related to professional autonomy stand out: the dependence of the center's management, the conditioning on labor security and the limitation produced by the legislative framework, especially in the evaluation. This research points out the need to consider the underlying ideology in the school and its influence on innovative practices.
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