Salmos 32 : 11-36:7 y 78:25-81:2: nuevos fragmentos de la Biblia castellana romanceada del monasterio de Santa María de la Sisla

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Salmos 32 : 11-36:7 y 78:25-81:2: nuevos fragmentos de la Biblia castellana romanceada del monasterio de Santa María de la Sisla

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Avenoza, Gemma
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The study of archival collections from medieval religious orders has made it possible to locate a second fragment of amedieval Spanish Bible, from the Hieronymian monastery of Santa María de la Sisla (Toledo). It is a bifolia from the bookof Psalms that belonged to the same codex as the recently identified Ezekiel fragment (=S1). In this article the finding isreported, the liber tradens is described, specifying its meaning and value to ensure monastery rents, the fragments that ittransmits are given: part of a bifolia in parchment of the s. XIII and biblical bifolia that serves as cover, focusing especiallyon the description of this second fragment (= S2). Next, the relationships between S2 and Esc. I-I-3 are examined, afiliation hypothesis and, finally, a palaeographic transcription of the text are offered.
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