Is telephone follow-up really effective in early diagnosis of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction?

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Is telephone follow-up really effective in early diagnosis of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction?

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pippi, Roberto es Pietrantoni, Alessandra es Patini, Romeo es Santoro, Marcello es 2019-02-14T08:55:53Z 2019-02-14T08:55:53Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Pippi, Roberto ; Pietrantoni, Alessandra ; Patini, Romeo ; Santoro, Marcello. Is telephone follow-up really effective in early diagnosis of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction?. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 23 6 2018: 10- es
dc.description.abstract To establish whether telephone follow-up is really able to intercept post-extraction complications and to evaluate the degree of patient satisfaction with this kind of post-surgical monitoring. Six hundred and thirty-eight patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to a test or control group. Test group patients were monitored by telephone follow-up 24 and 72 hours after surgery to investigate the presence of local symptoms that are frequently associated with surgical wound infection and inflammation. Both test and control group patients were examined 7 days at suture removal. Patients with systemic diseases, those in which intra-operative accidents occurred during surgery and those for whom extraction suture was not required, were excluded. At least one complication among alveolar osteitis, alveolar inflammation, alveolar infection and dehiscence involved 15.70% of the patients in the test group and 30.70% of the patients in the control group and telephone follow-up proved to be useful in early identification of anomalies in the post-extraction wound healing process. Comparable results were recorded in all extraction subgroups divided according to the type (surgical and non-surgical) and the number (single and multiple) of extractions performed in the same session. Telephone follow-up showed an 8.60 ± 1.17 (0 to 10 score scale) average acceptance. All cases of alveolar osteitis and infection occurred in patients who underwent antibiotic prophylaxis. Telephone follow-up seems to allow early detection of any possible wound healing complications, it is widely accepted by patients and it could therefore be considered a valid method for wound healing monitoring after tooth extractions, due to its effectiveness, feasibility and low costs. es
dc.title Is telephone follow-up really effective in early diagnosis of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction? es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.22465 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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