The age of Modernity has widely been considered an age of confidence, guarantees and social conquests. Also, it is an age for the strengthening of the State and, consequently, of its leading role in the area of Justice. However, the situation has evolved steadily in recent times. The quest for efficiency ?very much linked to the phenomenon of globalization- in the framework of a society growingly characterized by a mix of negative ideas and feelings -disenchantment, disappointment, distrust towards ?the other?- which are direct consequence of postmodernity is taking us to the new stage of neo-modernity, an age of hope. This stage should mean the return to former values and principles. It should give place to the respect and protection of the people and to the recognition of their human being condition and rights. This will have, for sure, an impact in the area of Justice. A lot of empathy, a lot of solidarity and giving up will be necessary to reach the goals of neo-modernity. In this new era of neo-modernity the fight against immobility and the search and return to the person must be present as axis on which the legal system stands.