Análisis crítico de la Ley del País Vasco 7/2015, de 30 de junio, de relaciones familiares en supuestos de separación o ruptura de los progenitores.

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Análisis crítico de la Ley del País Vasco 7/2015, de 30 de junio, de relaciones familiares en supuestos de separación o ruptura de los progenitores.

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Martínez Calvo, Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The Autonomous Community of Basque Country has adopted the Law 7/2015, of 30 June, of family relationships in cases of parental separation and divorce. The above Law contains a number of innovative aspects, as the introduction of family mediation and premarital agreement. But certainly, the most prominent aspect is the importance it attaches to the shared custody, that goes on to become the general rule. Furthermore, it regulates other measures that are closely related to the custody, as visiting arrangements, contribution to the sons and daughters and assignment of the use of the family dwelling.
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