Luces y sombras acerca de los procesos matrimoniales como cauce para liquidar el régimen de separación de bienes. Comentario a la STS de España, núm. 94/2018, de 20 de febrero.(RJ 2018, 568)

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Luces y sombras acerca de los procesos matrimoniales como cauce para liquidar el régimen de separación de bienes. Comentario a la STS de España, núm. 94/2018, de 20 de febrero.(RJ 2018, 568)

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Arrébola Blanco, Adrián
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The ruling that is going to be commented here has established the suitability of the marital proceedings as a channel to liquidate the separate property system. However, this understanding is not an unanimously sharing opinion by the whole of the Spanish courts, and this is the reason why it is convenient to reflect on the different arguments that have been given in favour or against in the last years, starting from the latest pronouncement of the Supreme Court
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