Derecho internacional privado, últimas reformas legislativas y nuevas competencias de los notarios (y de otros operadores jurídicos no jurisdiccionales) en España.

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Derecho internacional privado, últimas reformas legislativas y nuevas competencias de los notarios (y de otros operadores jurídicos no jurisdiccionales) en España.

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Ortega Giménez, Alfonso
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This Dissertation analyzes the impact of last Private International Law?s rules in the Spanish legal System, in particular, the new competences of Spanish Notaries attributed by International Judicial Cooperation Act, Voluntary Jurisdiction Act, Regulation establishing the procedure for the acquisition of Spanish citizenship by residence, and European Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions, acceptance and implementation of public documents relating to succession ?mortis causa? and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession.
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