Conflicto entre el derecho de la comunidad de propietarios a la instalación del servicio de ascensor en la propia comunidad y el derecho a la propiedad privada de comuneros y terceros ajenos.

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

IMPORTANT: Aquest repositori està en una versió antiga des del 3/12/2023. La nova instal.lació está en

Conflicto entre el derecho de la comunidad de propietarios a la instalación del servicio de ascensor en la propia comunidad y el derecho a la propiedad privada de comuneros y terceros ajenos.

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Sifre Aviñó, Bernardo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This article attempts to address the problems that exist today, with increasing frequency, related to the need or merely the will of the members of communities of owners to equip the oldest buildings with an elevator service, and how this elevator service installation causes conflicts between the community members themselves or between them and parties outside the community, due to the not infrequent occupation of privately-owned elements, producing a conflict that ends up affecting the right to that private property, elucidating the scope that this outcome may have and the possible procedural defense against occupation.
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